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Proclaim His Holy Name Bible - Enhanced Red Letter Edition
The Restored Name King James Version Return to Main Index Preface to the Holy Name Bible. The Holy Name Bible was one of the first translations to restore the name of the Heavenly Father and His Son. This preface contains an abundance of invaluable information. Looking for a Bible that has restored the the Names of our God and the Birth Name of our Savior? If so, then maybe I can help you with that: First let me say, I do not sell bibles and I do not give bibles out -- there are lots and lots of sources and places you can download or buy, even at reasonable prices, a Sacred Name, or Holy Name Bible. There is a multitude of works making bibles. In addition to restoring the sacred names Yahweh and Yahshua, this unique Bible has in-depth book introductions, genealogical section for important life events, thousands of eye-opening study notes, cross references, instructional charts, a topical reference, Strong's numbering and the Strong's Hebrew and Greek dictionaries.
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When the decision was made to undertake the task of editing the King James Version, the fact that it was not a unique work was taken into account. One of the original works of restoring the set apart names to the scriptures was "The Holy Name Bible" by the Scripture Research Association.
Since the Holy Name Bible is also based on the King James Version, it was decided to use a portion of its preface in the introduction. The name of the Messiah, Yahushua, is a transliteration of his name:.
It is our hope that the restoration of the restored name bible pdf download of the Almighty Creator and his Son, will bless the reader to live a life in reverence to. It is in the love of Yahushua the Messiah that this is being presented. Preface to the Holy Name Bible. This preface contains an abundance of invaluable information.
We prayerfully present the following for your edification and spiritual growth. If you were planning a trip through a strange country, would you knowingly choose an inaccurate map which shows non-existent roads and bridges? Of course not. You would get the most accurate map available. The Holy Name Version provides a more nearly accurate map of the Kingdom of Heaven and the roads and paths leading to and through it, and more clearly marks the pitfalls and dangers awaiting the traveler than any other version now available.
To the extent that a person's beliefs and conduct are based upon doctrinal misinformation supported by mistranslation, he follows a distorted map of spiritual territory. The Holy Name Version is an improvement over other versions - a better map - simply because it makes use of data which have been known for a long time but which generally have been confined to footnotes, commentaries, encyclopedias and technical publications. The efforts at producing a more understandable translation of the Holy Scriptures have resulted in a legion of versions by many learned men with more of the same scheduled in the immediate future, including a plan for a Catholic-Protestant Bible.
The question may be asked, Why so many translations? The answer is simply that men continue translating the Bible because none of their versions satisfy the hunger for spiritual food which YHWH has placed in the hearts of His people.
Thus far these restored name bible pdf download translations have failed restored name bible pdf download bring out the true message of the Scriptures because of the following reasons:. The Jewish scholars of the Great Synagogue in closing the canon of the Old Testament Text, which is known as the Masoretic Text, made changes and modifications of many passages restored name bible pdf download conform to their traditional teachings.
Thus they established a fixed doctrine for the Jewish dispersion. These same scholars, in their attempt to safeguard the unity of divine worship in Jerusalem, changed the passage in Isaiah to read, "On that day there shall be five cities in the land of Egypt, speaking the language of Canaan and swearing by YHWH of Hosts, and one shall be called, the city of the sun. The Masorites, in safeguarding the Tetragrammaton the four letter Holy Name of the Most Highsubstituted in over places in the Hebrew Text, the name of the Canaanite deity, Adonay, and in some places, Elohim, wherever anthropomorphism ascribing the physical attributes of man to YHWH was implied.
Wherever they left the Tetragrammaton intact, they placed diacritical marks beneath it to indicate the pronunciation of the word to be spokenAdonay, not the word writtenYHWH, which the Jews considered too sacred to be spoken aloud. The chapters of the Prophetic Books were so put together, regardless of their historic or prophetic sequence, that the ordinary reader is at a loss to know which comes first, restored name bible pdf download.
An extreme illustration of this is the book of the prophet Daniel, which throws the prophetic student into a confusion of date setting that has made Daniel and its companion apocalyptical book of Revelation difficult to understand, restored name bible pdf download. Also, in their effort to divert their people from the apostolic New Testament, the Masorites altered many texts in opposing the Messianic teachings.
Christian theologians have translated the Scriptures from a non-Israelite approach to both the Old and New Testaments, thus losing sight of what the Great Apostle said in the ninth chapter of Romans, verses 1 through 11 and 22 through 29, that the Scriptures were written for Israel, and to them the oracles of YHWH were committed, restored name bible pdf download.
Israel, in turn, restored name bible pdf download to transmit the message to other nations that they also might obtain the same promises through faith GenesisIsaiahand Ephesians Definite promises made to Israel, and to non-Israelites through Israel, have been made to appear of non-effect by religious teachers through spiritualization, so that the believer is left without hope of receiving the gracious assurances so plainly delineated in the Holy Scriptures.
Some have tried to translate the Bible in what they call a literal restored name bible pdf downloadbut the Hebrew language cannot be literally translated into a classical language. Hebrew is an idiomatic language, and one Hebrew word may have from three to ten different meanings depending on the context. Sometimes it has opposing meanings. In the Bible whole thoughts, not words, must therefore be translated. Another common error among most of the translators is their elimination of heaven's revealed Name of the Most High, restored name bible pdf download, YHWHand the Name of His Son, Yahushua the Messiah, and substituting the names of the local deities of the nations among whom they dwelt Psalmsexpressly transgressing the commandments of YHWH as given in Exodus and The characteristic appellation of the Most High, Elohim, has been substituted by the Assyrian deity Gawd, or God in English, and is repudiated by in Isaiah which reads as follows, "But ye are they that forsakethat forget My holy mountain, and furnish a table for God, and furnish a drink offering to Meni".
No wonder the people of Scotland and some parts of northern England celebrate their Hogmanay, which in Hebrew means the feast of the god Menion New Year's Eve with a fellowship drink for good luck!
Isaiah - But ye are they that forsakethat forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that furnish the drink offering unto that number. The substitution of the Names restored name bible pdf download YHWH and Yahushua by the names of the pagan deities of the nations has brought immeasurable harm. By employing these names the people unknowingly turn the worship of into that of idols and actually ascribe the benevolent characteristics of the Mighty One of Israel to the pagan deities Hosea The set apart name of the Creator, or its short form, Yahis the one and only Name by which He is known in the entire Scriptures.
Psalm While has many titles such as Eloah, El-Elyon, and Elohim, and while He is characterized as nissi, rapha, ra-ah, tsidkenu, shalom, sabaoth, and yireh, the Name in each case iscoupled with a distinctive characteristic.
The Scriptures are specific and leave no doubt about the importance of His Name and our responsibilities concerning it. Yea they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart, which think to cause My people to forget My Name - as their fathers have forgotten My Name for Baal.
The name of the Messiah, Yahushualiterally means " is salvation". If ye ask anything in My Name I will do it. The combined result of the four reasons mentioned in the foregoing has brought into the New Testament many pagan elements of varying degrees, so that the original prophetic and apostolic teachings on the Holy Scriptures have reverted to the apostate Baalism of Jezebel Revelation No wonder then the Scriptures call this system Babylon.
Misleading ideas and beliefs were implanted during the process of carrying the Hebrew ideas and ideals into the context of a pagan Greek and Roman world. The Hellenizing of the original books of the Bible brought about distortions which still plague earnest Scripture students.
An illustration of this occurs in the use of the Greek word hades with all its mythological connotations as a place of endless torture to which the Greek gods relegated those who displeased themas a purported equivalent of the Hebrew sheol and gehennaneither of which conveyed any such notion.
The doctrine that the Messiah "descended into hell" was thus an outgrowth of adopting the Greek restored name bible pdf download of hades in place of the Hebrew connotation of sheol the tomb.
Many of the errors of literal translation which crept into the New Testament after the first century have been kept alive and intact because of the belief by numerous excellent scholars that the New Testament originals were written in, nay inspired in, the Greek language. Such a state of mind made it seem sacrilegious to question the authenticity of the Greek text even though portions of it seemed unintelligible.
In recent years, however, much light has been shed on this hitherto taboo subject, restored name bible pdf download. The eminent Dr. The challenge was not met, nor will it be, for there is no such passage. Torrey then proceeds to cite hundreds of instances of Greek mistranslation from the Aramaic, which the Christian community has rather indiscriminately accepted as gospel. The process of substitution continued in various lands and languages, so that much of the original meaning of the New Testament has been obscured.
Consider the distortion involved in changing the names of the prophets, the Messiah, and the Creator. Now you may inquire why these distortions are so vitally important to us, restored name bible pdf download. They are of utmost importance because they introduce seeming contradictions which in turn raise conscious or subconscious doubts in the minds of sincere individuals: The pagan elements today found in Christianity have made it appear falsely similar to other religions and have thus cast stumbling blocks before those who recognize this heathenism for what it is.
By correcting the known distortions and purging the pseudo-Christian beliefs which have resulted, doctrinal integrity and consistency can be restored, thus making possible the wholeheartedness which the first-century brethren demonstrated but which is so sadly lacking among so-called Christians today. Lack of wholeheartedness in belief and conduct is taken for granted by our society.
Ours is an era of "lip service," notorious for the hiatus between avowed ideals and sordid performance. Its symptoms are found in all walks of life, from interpersonal relationships to international diplomacy. Socially-minded writers, including members of the clergy, frequently deplore this condition but seem unable to recognize that it is a symptom of the underlying conceptual malaise : the theological neurosis of modern Christianity so pointedly described in Revelation So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, restored name bible pdf download, I will spew thee out of My mouth, because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, restored name bible pdf download, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, restored name bible pdf download, and blind, and naked.
This ailment is lamented by our contemporaries as "secularism," "illness of the spirit," and "death of the heart"; but whatever it is labeled, the condition is caused by failure to integrate that which professed believers do with that which they profess to believe.
It amounts to an unconscious outward manifestation of a mass of unresolved internal conflicts and a kind of unconscious rebellion against further self-deception and confusion of values. Since church hierarchies so unanimously complain about the symptoms of the disease, restored name bible pdf download, why have they not long ago taken the steps essential to removing its cause? Why do they in fact display such astonishing ingenuity in avoiding recognition of their own share in the ideological confusion?
Perhaps the answer may be found in the well-known phenomenon of neurosis wherein its professor blinds himself to its very existence and resists any efforts to effect a cure. This explanation appears to be borne out by the verses quoted above, and by verse 18 which counsels the application of "eye salve. What, then, may twentieth century believers do to become more open-eyed and wholehearted in their belief - genuine doers of the Word?
How can restored name bible pdf download attain deep and enduring faith comparable to that of the first century brethren? One prerequisite is a degree of doctrinal coherence comparable to that of the first restored name bible pdf download another is recognition of unsubstantiated scientific dogma as such.
The popular a priori theories concerning the origin and antiquity of man and of the universe are examples of such generally-accepted assumptions about which there remain extremely large gaps in scientific knowledge. Our immediate objective concerns the first of these essentials: the elimination of doctrinal incoherence supported by the common versions. The Holy Name Bible is a comprehensive effort to bring to twentieth century believers that integrity of concept which was present in the Hebrew and Aramaic originals - to make possible in the twentieth century the wholehearted integration of doctrine, belief, and conduct characteristic of the congregation of from its inception in the wilderness 1 Corinthians through the apostolic phase of the first century.
The congregation of the Old Testament cannot be separated from that of the New, except that the former looked forward by faith to the offering of. The victorious congregation is the one which adheres to all of the eternal truths of ; it sings the song of Moses and the Lamb Revelation Why have we retained so much of the text of the King James Version? Why have we not chosen to use "modern" language entirely?
The reverent style of the King James language makes it appropriate for its set apart purpose. Our chief concern is to convey the original meanings as faithfully as possible. Therefore, changes have been made in the King James Version only where necessary to clarify meanings. This policy has additional features, also. The popularity of the King James Version with readers of the scriptures is generally recognized.
The Holy Name version is intended for use by many of these same scripture readers. Comparisons of the two texts provide a convenient method of identifying the corrections which have been made in the Holy Name Version, restored name bible pdf download. Further, the scripture verses which many of us have memorized, or with which we have long been familiar, are especially precious to us and we would not, except for excellent reasons, alter them. The instances where corrections have been made may be generally classified in the following categories:.
Where it seemed that archaic language would obscure the meaning for the average reader, modern equivalents have been employed. Where literal translation of Hebrew idioms into English, or, Aramaic idioms into Greek and thence into English has resulted in loss of initial meaning. In certain instances, where substitution of any English word would be misleading, the original Aramaic or Hebrew has been restored.
That is, words are left untranslated where no satisfactory English equivalent exists. Where there had been an addition, generally recognized by scholars as spurioussuch added material has been omitted.
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For the Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition Study Bible, we have opted for “Yahshua/Yahoshua” because (as found in our research) this was the form of the Name prior to the Babylonian captivity, and also because of its clear linkage in the prophetic Scriptures, such as in Zechariah Download modules for The Word Bible Software. An Old Testament moduleis available. This is a beta version, dated A Lite moduleis available. This is a beta version, dated The Lite version of the Restored King James Version was derived from the King James Version by replacing "god", "gods", "God" by the corresponding el, elah, eloah, or elohim; "the LORD" by YHWH or YHWiH;. Aug 31, · Download the RNKJV Bible App now and be filled with the Holy Spirit through the Word of God daily. Reading the Word of God is vital and basic to our daily Christian walk. It is the food for our soul and the shield that protects and guards our mind and heart against the works of the flesh and of the devil. Restored Name King James Version /5().
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